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Absentee Owners are great for realtors and real estate investors as they help to find more motivated sellers of single-family homes. These owners may be tired of managing a property they do not occupy. Additionally, Absentee Owners may be market investors to increase their home inventory. Engage these prospects by providing great information in a targeted and informative way.

We offer the Best absentee owner leads and have just what you're looking for. Market to absentee owners. Stats prove that non-owner-occupied properties turn over every couple of years. Gain more listings by targeting these owners. Gain more listings by targeting vacant properties. Marketing to the absentee owner of a vacant property is an effective strategy. We can target private and corporate-owned. 

Filters: Email address - Phone number - Cell phone - In-state, out-of-state owners or both - Minimum home values - Property types - Purchase dates - Many more filters available


Lead Example: Name Address Emails Phone Cell phone Minimum home values Property types Purchase dates Many more filters available

Pricing Monthly Subscription 
250 leads a month $149 a month
500 leads a month $249 a month
1000 leads a month $299 a month

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